
Modified: Saturday, April 12, 2003

Recent Projects

Palmpass XML Auto Update (pwcppautoupdate)
- NIL.
Obviously, this webpage is only for this project. You may find out more information on the first page of this project.

7-Day-Fresh - NIL.
I am now debugging the buggy UltraBoard for the 7-Day-Fresh forum.

STMGSS's Website Design Course - NIL.
Planning only.

Joint-school Doom Competition - NIL.
The first fourth round of the internal competition has already selected out those people who have the ability to joint this inter school event. What I am writing is the SAR to fly away and the approval of principals.

UltraBoard skin for phpBB - NIL.
Planning only.

WinBoard Extreme Version - NIL.
Premature plan only.